Lake Bella Vista
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Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for our association neighborhood, water customers, and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.
~ Neighborhood News ~
2023 Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report
Please take the time to read the 2023 CCR and feel free to contact us with questions you have.
Association Dues and Water Fees
Association dues for the current fiscal year 2024-2025 are set at $476.00 and are billed quarterly with your water bill at $119.00/quarter. Current water rates include a quarterly ready-to-serve fee of $59.64 with an additional $2.63/1,000 gallons used based on water usage.  To see what your dues and fees cover please use these quick links:  Water Fees Allocations  Association Dues Allocations 
Boat Launch Card Application
Please use this application to obtain your LBV Boat Launch Card.  You may then bring your application along with any/all watercraft registrations and $10 to the office to obtain your Key Card.  To better assist you, call ahead during Spring/Summer to verify someone will be in the office during the time you plan to stop by.   
ACH Payments
ACH payment options are available!  If you are interested in having your water / Association dues bill automatically paid through your checking or savings account, please fill out the attached form.  Forms may be dropped off or mailed to the LBV Office at 6411 Bella Vista Dr.  LBVIA ACH Payment Form
Cannon Farms/Town Square residents LBV Water Services ACH Payment Form

~ Upcoming Events ~
No Events at this time.

~ Make A Payment ~
To make a debit or credit card payment, select from the provider below matching the name on your bill.  A $3.75 convenience fee applies.  Please have ready the account number (or service address) and amount you owe for processing. 
Lake Bella Vista Improvement Association
LBV Water Services, Inc.